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  • Austin Lieu

Peking Duck

To celebrate Mother's Day, my family and I went to eat Peking Duck, also known as Beijing Duck, at Duck House, one of my favorite spots in Monterey Park. After eating this savory delicacy, I started to wonder about its origins and where it came from. I knew it was from China but every food has a backstory. After researching and learning more about the story behind this beautiful dish, it got me curious about all the other delicious foods I've had and will eat in the future. So where did Peking Duck originate from? Like many Chinese dishes, Peking Duck came from provinces near Shanghai where many ducks resided in paddy fields. It originated in Hangzhou and became a Nanjing specialty. Allegedly, it was only after 1420, when the Yongle emperor moved his capital to Beijing, that roast duck found its way to the city". Peking Duck ended up evolving in Beijing as Beijing chefs bred a certain type of duck that had more tender meat than those in Nanjing. Initially forked over a large fire, later in a menlu (brick oven closed on all sides), and finally in the Qing Dynasty, when Forbidden City chefs changed it, does Peking Duck continue today to be cooked in a hanging oven called a gualu. Now, Peking Duck is commonly eaten with leek or cucumber, Hoisin sauce, crispy skin, and sliced meat all wrapped up in a Chinese wheat pancake. No parts of the duck are wasted as extra meat is commonly used in stirfry and bones are used for soup. So if you're ever hanging around Monterey Park, make sure to check out Duck House and eat this delicacy! 8.5/10 BUSSINS

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