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  • Austin Lieu

Hokkaido Butter Soy Sauce Scallops!

Hello? When I first saw this in Japan, I was so surprised. Although I couldn't read the Japanese lettering, was that a scallop I saw on a Pringles can? These are the best Pringles I've ever had. Too bad you can only get them in Hokkaido!

Japan is famous for having numerous weird and unique flavors. Check out my Kit Kat post I plan to post soon future to see some more! When you look up Japan's Pringles flavors, you can actually see that Hokkaido Scallops are just one of the 14 flavors they have. They have Seaweed, Kansai's Takoyaki flavor, Kyushu's Mentaiko flavor (I really want to try this), and more unique flavors.

Although the chip was dry, as it should be as Pringles, it first gave off a fatty flavor as if there was more than just plain seasoning. After, the soy sauce and scallop flavoring gave it a salty and slightly weird smell. The scallop flavoring I would compare the most to seaweed because it had a seafood type of saltiness and flavoring but it wasn't exactly the same. These were so addicting and I'm glad we got a box of three!

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